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TV Production


At Enlightened Media we have decades of experience producing content at the BBC and other major UK networks.  

Now we've created a small - but beautifully formed! - independent production house specialising in natural history, science and travel programming.  Here's what's in the pipeline...

Zimanga: Return of the Kings


A short taster for a 6 part series we are currently planning, set in South Africa.


An engaging natural history series featuring a thrown-together 'family' of four young lions. 


Each of the four lion cubs are about to be removed from their families on various game reserves, and taken to a new home - a reserve where lions have been banished for over a hundred years.  

We will follow their progress from capture to release, and how each of them fares in their new habitat.  It won't be easy - they will need to bond quickly and create a new pride to survive.

They will face competition and dangerous enemies including already established big cat predators in the shape of leopard and cheetah, plus a large pack of African wild dog with twelve pups - all of whom provide very engaging secondary characters and plenty of jeopardy.


As the balance of power shifts there can only be one king, and not everyone will survive...



We are currently seeking finance for this project - to commission or invest please contact

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