Re-Wilding The Garden Wall
...With A Little Help From My Feathered Friends
Category: Conservation | Rewilding | Birds | Flora

One of the joys of being at home over the past few months has been getting to know my garden birdlife once again. Since I started to feed seeds, grains, mealworms and fruit again my tiny seaside back yard has been filled with fluttering and chattering.
And now it’s filling up with new plant species too. Birds are really efficient (if unknowing) gardners: spilling and pooping seeds to every corner, and even on the top of my ancient brick wall.

Now this unloved boundary has become an honest-to-goodness rewilding feature, sprouting blooms as diverse as valerian and violas, toadflaxes and fox-and-cubs, buddleia, feverfew, sow thistle and - embarrassingly - a healthier rosemary than I've ever managed to grow myself in this plant-unfriendly North Sea coast climate. And I haven’t had to lift a green finger!

Of course with these additional species come more insects… which means more food for the birds too, clever things! And joy of joys I’ve seen more bees so far this summer than in recent years.

So thank you all the dunnocks, robins, blackbirds, blue tits, sparrows, starlings and pigeons that bring joy to my breakfast times, tease the cat, offer photographic challenges and now help out in rewilding the garden too... keep up the good work!

Any questions? Do please contact me or simply email